
Stochastic Implicit Neural Signed Distance Functions for Safe Motion Planning under Sensing Uncertainty

Safe motion planning approach for noisy sensor measurement representation of the environment using a stochastic neural implicit representation and chance constrained optimization.

Optimal Grasps and Placements for Task and Motion Planning in Clutter

Task and Motion Planning framework that combines a SMT-based task planner, sampling-based motion planners and a novel optimization-based grounder to find optimal object placement locations and robot grasps for cluttered environments.

MotionBenchMaker A Tool to Generate and Benchmark Motion Planning Datasets

Open source tool to generate benchmarking datasets for robot manipulation problems.

Human-Guided Motion Planning in Partially Observable Environments

Human-in-the-loop algorithm to compute joint-space trajectories for high-DoF robots under partial observability

Motion Planning with incomplete scene information

A Fetch robot doing Motion Planning and executing a trajectory when the scene representation may be incomplete

Robust Motion Planning under Sensing Uncertainty

Optimization-based motion planning algorithm capable of incorporating sensing uncertainty for a variety of noise models

Inverse Kinematics Robo Picasso

Solving the inverse kinematics problem for a FANUC S-500 robot and using it to draw a Mickey Mouse